Hyderabad, the biggest pharmacy in the world

  -    -  Hyderabad, the biggest pharmacy in the world

Today, India is the second producer of medical drugs in the world and is aiming at being the first before 2030. For the past 20 years, the Indian government has invested in a town of Southern India : Hyderabad.

Pharmaceutical giants from all over the world have built their factories in this town of 8 million inhabitants and brought an unprecedented economic rise to the region. But the population is suffering today from the consequences of this unlimited and uncontrolled economic development.

In order to enhance the dramatic consequences of theses giant’s pharmaceutical activities, the music is mainly based on harrowing and mysterious sound waves.

A film by Maxime Priou & Arthur Rayssiguier & Marin Guillochon

Production : Barbara Conforti

Diffusion : Arte Reportage

Music by Nicolas Cornil